The New CAPM Exam

The New CAPM Exam | PMBOK7

The CAPM certification exam is being updated to better reflect the current state of project management. The new exam will be available on July 25, 2023, and will cover a wider range of topics, including business analysis and agile principles. This will make the CAPM a more valuable asset for professionals in the project management field.

The new exam will be divided into four domains.Refer to this PMI link for CAPM exam outline

  • Project Management Fundamentals and Core Concepts
  • Predictive Plan-Based Methodologies
  • Agile Frameworks/Methodologies
  • Business Analysis Frameworks

The exam will consist of 150 multiple-choice questions and will be administered over three hours, with a 10-minute break. Candidates can take the exam at a testing center or online.

The updated CAPM certification exam is a valuable credential for anyone interested in a career in project management. It demonstrates that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully manage projects in a variety of settings. If you are interested in pursuing a career in project management, I encourage you to consider taking the CAPM certification exam.

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